Ten years ago tonight we launched a young adults group in our home called TNT, which stood for The New Thing. Isaiah 43:19 was the Scripture verse we based it upon: See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams I the wasteland.
The date was also the first day of spring for 2007.
This ministry had been months in the works—it was conceived in the hearts of a handful of leaders—but finally birthed that night. Giving birth to the purposes of God in our lives involves a process. Much is hidden before it is delivered.
That night I preached on the birth of two deliverers in the Bible—Moses and Jesus Christ. Two God-ordained deliverers whose births were clouded by a systemic genocide schemed by diabolical forces to abort God’s chosen instrument.
After everyone had left that evening, my wife delivered news to me that forever changed our lives—she was pregnant! We stood together looking at the test result to ensure that we were reading it correctly. Well, exactly 250 days later proved the veracity of that statement as a beautiful, healthy daughter was delivered.
It was a night we will never forget.
Today I want to announce the official launch of the Breakthrough Tribe. You could call it the birthing as it has been a work in progress for over a year. Let me explain.
The conception of this idea came as I listened to a message by Joe Joe Dawson on February 1, 2016. The day before an idea floated in my mind that I quickly dismissed. But that changed when I heard this revivalist charge those listening: “Step out today to pursue what the Lord has put in your heart!” Suddenly faith galvanized within my heart to the idea I’d written off just 24 hours before.
The next day I launched a devotional series called 21 Days to Breakthrough in Prayer. It was the first time I’d done anything quite like this. And for me, the response was overwhelmingly positive. I had over 150 sign up to participate. For a short season, we had a strong sense of community within those participating. Hearts were stirred. We met weekly on a conference prayer call. It eventually became known as the Breakthrough Tribe—and the name stuck. But the initial momentum sizzled, primarily due to my uncertainty as to what the Lord was saying—until now.
The Lord has brought together a team of spiritual fathers and mothers to help sons and daughters in the Lord experieince their breakthrough in 2017. This team includes Brad and Melba Burk, Tammie Southerland, Jeremy Duggins, and more to follow. Please like our Breakthrough Tribe page for updates. We also have a closed group page that will be utilized. We’re only going to permit the first 50 to join the group in 2017 in order to preserve the dynamic of deepening kingdom relationships in the context of a tribe.
It is our expectant faith that each person will experience personal breakthrough in 2017! Are you ready to see the Father birth His breakthrough purposes in your life?
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