“…remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
While studying at Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, my wife and I were on a tight budget as newlyweds. Creativity for low budget dates was the norm. For example, Costco’s free food samples throughout the store was a common go-to experience for us; of course, we’d return multiple times to the store associates with the tastiest samples. We were certainly budget-conscious.
One night we were window shopping at Parks Mall as the stores closed. While walking towards our exit, I noticed a Cinnabon up ahead. Even before I could see or smell a roll, I imagined a fresh, warm doughy cinnamon roll smothered with sweet cream cheese icing. Quietly I said to myself, “Oh, I wish they would offer us some free rolls!”
As we walked by, a voice behind the counter suddenly yelled out, “Hey, would you like some free cinnamon rolls?”
How could I refuse? These were world-famous cinnamon rolls. I joyfully said, “Yes, we’ll take them!”
Instead of one or two rolls, we walked off with two boxes containing a ton of cinnamon rolls in each box. We were blessed beyond our wildest imagination. However there was no way we could consume all of the cinnamon rolls in such a short period of time. (I know that’s shocking for some of you who are aware of my penchant for sweets!)
What could we do with so many mouthwatering cinnamon rolls?
Our first inclination was to ask, “Who else can we bless?” We were blessed by Cinnabon to be a blessing to others. The next night we invited fellow classmates over to play RISK, a board game, while munching on delicious rolls from Cinnabon.
Months earlier, Momma Lindsay the co-founder of CFNI, had referenced Genesis 12:2 in her card to us on our wedding day.
In Genesis 12:2 (NLT), the Lord says to Abram, “I will bless you … and you will be a blessing to others.”
You are blessed to be a blessing. How can you bless others today with the blessings you’ve received from the Lord?
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