Any area of our life that is not glistening with hope is under the influence of a lie. Steve Backlund, Igniting Hope Ministries
DO YOU STRUGGLE with feeling like a failure? Failures in life are an inevitable part of the maturing process in our walk with Christ. I’d be concerned if you didn’t experience any failures. Some of my greatest life-defining moments came out of my own personal and professional failures. I had to learn to not allow failures to define who I was as a beloved son of the Lord (though I had to fight through pervasive negative thoughts and feelings associated with my perception of failure).
I learned that experiencing failure in life was an integral part of the refining process. Nothing like a “fall flat on your face failure” to expose all the insidious lies lurking beneath the facade of your perfect life. Furthermore I had to learn that experiencing failure did not make me a failure. That was difficult.
What a marvelous truth that we must seize: Even in our failures, the Father’s pleasing gaze remains steadfast upon us as sons and daughters!
In the eyes of the Father, failure doesn’t define us; instead, He defines who we are through the righteousness of Christ! In the grace of God we need to wrestle with that truth until it saturates our being. Determine right now to delight in Him as His beloved child. Take authority over the swirling negativity and choose to make His Word the anchor point of your soul. Failures in life are but opportune moments to deepen the revelation within of the great “love the Father has bestowed upon on us, that we would be called children of God” (1 John 3:1).
Learn to delight in Him as sons and daughters even in the midst of your failures until your heart glistens with hope from above!
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