On the morning of September 6, 2015, the stirring of the Holy Spirit came upon me. It was for a nation. As my heart worshiped the King of kings, I became increasingly aware of His heart for this distant nation—Australia. As my heart surged before the throne of grace, I cried out to the Lord for Australia.
This nation, along with New Zealand, is known as the Down Under due to its proximity on the world map in the southern hemisphere. As I prayed into this, I felt as if this word had an unexpected twin, New Zealand. There’s an intricate connection as to what the Father desires to do in that region (this will be clearer in the next section).
I want to share a few things I felt and saw in that holy moment.
In this coming season, many significant voices will began to emerge from the Down Under. These are men and women of God who have been hidden until the appointed time. And the appointed time is coming upon us.
A key verse for these emerging voices is I Peter 5:5—Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.
Because they have been down under the mighty hand of God, He will exalt them up above to take the gospel of the kingdom to the four corners of the earth. Their identity has been established before the Lord in the secret place. They esteem their identity as sons and daughters of God seated with Him in heavenly places!
I heard the Lord declare four things these emerging voices have endured:
Many have been but a bruised reed. I’m reminded of the promise of Matthew 12:20, “a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory.” These hidden ones will be battle tested in the crucible of hardship and suffering. Though bruised, they’ve forged a deep trust in Him through adversities of life.These emerging voices will present forth the pure and unadulterated word of the Lord.
Many have undergone scathing rebuttals but have been found faultless. The Lord tested them in the face of man’s rejection, much like the young David who fled for his life from the jealousy of Saul. Such trials with jealous kings drove these hidden ones into the secret place where they encountered the holy jealousy of the King of kings. In this place of brokenness, the revelation was forged deep within: nothing less than total surrender unto Him. A depth of humility born through brokenness will be evident in these emerging voices—they will not seek to exalt their own name or ministry, but rather they long to honor Him above all.
Many have gone through lonesome trials. Much time has been spent in a God-ordained wilderness to prepare them for this moment. Though the Lord encountered these hidden ones in the wilderness, it was a lonely road. An aspect of their reward for previous obedience is the Lord’s plan to connect these hidden ones on a deep level with other emerging voices. Within a short period of time across the Down Under, these burning ones will began to find one another through supernatural orchestrations. Life-long God-ordained friendships will be kindled in this coming season.
Many have died before their time had come. This phrase puzzled me at first, but then the Lord clued me in. These emerging voices have laid down their needs for the attainment of success in their own eyes—and in the view of loved ones and their peers. They seek not significance in this age—as they have fixed their eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and the age to come. Many had to wrestle with their own ambitions and dreams for years until finally they surrendered it all unto Him. Galatians 2:20 will be a hallmark verse for many of these:
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
These hidden ones have died with Christ to their own aspirations and to man’s approval—therefore, their time to emerge as a voice to the nations is about to come. A distinctive mark of these emerging voices will be resurrection faith, the “immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might” (Ephesians 1:19)—dead things made alive in Him!
After Azusa Now (April 9, 2016) there will be a critical period of eighteen months as the Lord reshuffles the deck across Australia as it pertains to these hidden ones. Marching orders from The Lord of Hosts will be issued to these hidden ones in the secret place. As they step out of obscurity, they will start to connect with others who share a similar story. Acceleration of divine appointments will bring forth key stories told for years to come as to how the Lord sovereignly connected these hidden ones.
This is all done organically. This organic network of relationships becomes a key sustainer for the move of God in the days ahead. Together a generation of revivalists, intercessors, evangelists, apostolic preachers and prophets will begin to emerge to fan the flame of revival across the Down Under and beyond. These consecrated ones seek not to build their own ministry or platform—but they yearn wholeheartedly to exalt Christ Jesus above all else as they make His fame known throughout the nations of the earth.
On January 19, 2016, I shared a prophetic message titled, Changing of the Garb, during a global broadcast. The Lord gave me further prophetic insights concerning the Down Under.
I saw a plumb line of fire course through the middle of Australia, from the western border to the eastern border. It was an eastward fire of purging and refining that revealed God’s plumb line for the church. I knew it was a process that would transpire during the next six months. Then out of this refining would emerge a refined ekklesia, with the plumb line properly set.
This is what was transcribed from that broadcast:
A plumb line is going across the nation of Australia. A part of a remnant who are able to bring forth the plumb line. He is laying down the plumb line of Fire. In the next 6 months very specific things will come forth. God is speaking about “resurrection”. He is going to resurrect things across the nation in the next 6 months. I keep hearing resurrection. Diffusing faith in your heart for resurrection for things to come. Things that are teetering and it seems like it is going to collapse but God is going to come in at the last second, a resurrection of sorts. There will be specific shifts across the nation of Australia as He lays down the plumb line of Fire. We are contending to see revival break out across the nation. We thank You for emerging voices coming out of Australia that will go to the nations of the earth carrying Your fire of holiness.
Afterwards I kept hearing in my spirit something to this effect: There will be a moment when things are teetering on the edge—and collapse appears inevitable. I continued to receive from the Lord concerning Down Under as I sought Him.
The teetering is connected to a simultaneous shaking off the south eastern border. I saw three arrows from the direction of New Zealand pointing inland as if there was a move of God’s Spirit sweeping through the rest of the nation due to this initial “blast of a shake” off the border. I posed the question to the Lord, “What are the three arrows?” As I lingered in the secret place before Him, He showed me that these three things were to emerge.
SWORD OF THE SPIRIT—a resurgence of hunger for the Word of God must come forth in this hour. Anointed messengers who love God’s Word deeply, will bring fresh impartation to hunger for God’s Word. This will parallel the slow burn of the plumb line being established across the nation. The saints will seize “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ep 6:17), in order to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Tim 6:12).
HORN OF SALVATION—Zechariah, father of John the Baptizer, prophesied, “And has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David His servant” (Luke 1:69). The horn speaks of strength; and salvation points to a mighty deliverance wrought forth through the strength of the Anointed One. The Father wants to thrust forth anointed deliverers into the whole nation. This will be a significant part of the Lord establishing His plumb line across this nation. I see a mighty work of deliverance coming forth that ignites fresh fire.
CANOPY OF GLORY—the Lord is going to erect an actual antique canopy (I believe one gifted from New Zealand) as a foreshadowing of the glory to cover the entire Down Under. The canopy of His glory will be evident once the plumb line of fire has been laid properly. Key messengers of His glory will help to stretch this glorious canopy throughout the entire Down Under. Isaiah 4:5 is a key verse—then the LORD will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy (NASB).
The arrows originate from New Zealand out of an explosion of a praying and fasting remnant. This will be a catalyst that will galvanize an entire nation under the glory of God. Out of this will come forth emerging voices for the nation; but also for the nations of the earth. A distinctive mark of this emergence will be resurrection faith. What appears dead—or is dead—will revive once again!
Above all, Christ Jesus will be exalted and glorified in Down Under!
Whirlwinds, Mantles & Shifting Nations
PROPHETIC WORD | Shut the Door
Andrew J Horton says
Amen brother… :-)
Brian Francis Hume says
Andrew, thank you for taking the time to read through the prophetic word. I’m stunned how deeply it has resonated with the hearts of my fellow brothers and sisters in Australia and NZ. The Lord is certainly doing a significant work in the Down Under! God bless you brother.
Paul Draper says
All glory to The LORD GOD of heaven and earth.
Let YOUR FIRE fill the heart of this nation and be pumped out to all nations. HOLY GHOST GLORIFY JESUS NAME AMEN
GOD BLESS You my brother
Love Paul Draper your bro Christ
Brian Francis Hume says
Amen! Thank you Paul for taking the time to make that powerful declaration. As you have read, I believe wholeheartedly that good things are on the horizon for the Down Under. Blessings!
Amy Burton says
Exciting to see this come.
Brian Francis Hume says
Amen! God bless you Amy.
Robert says
Such a great and Timely word for the Rising of Warriors from Australia & NZ Bless you Brian may the Warriors of God be Strengthened and Obedient to his Instructions….Such a Excitement
Brian Francis Hume says
Robert, I’m so glad it bore witness with you. I’m humbled by the number of fellow believers who have reached out to me to express similar sentiments. In reading their responses, it has continued to stir my own heart for the Down Under. I know great things are on the cusp of coming forth soon. Blessings!
Paul Temple says
Thanks Brian, in a number of ways this spoke to my heart. I feel the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Can’t wait for the new season
Brian Francis Hume says
Paul, thank you so much for commenting on this prophetic word for the Down Under. I’m so grateful to see how the Lord has used it. Interesting that you wrote this comment while I was attending the Awaken the Dawn gathering. The darkest hour is certainly just before the dawning of a new day! Praise God.
Ian Brearley says
Thank you and God bless you for this obviously-from-Him word. Love in Jesus. Ian Brearley. Grandfather and ex-hippie.
Brian Francis Hume says
Greetings ex-hippie turned saint! Thank you for taking a moment to comment on this prophetic word. I’m grateful to see what the Lord is doing in the Down Under and it is just the beginning! Blessings.
Tammy Cobb says
Brother, I thank you for your word. I am an Australian and it is amazing that you would say this. When Australia was first settled a Christian who was part of Cpt Cook’s crew prophesied over this country. About 20 yrs ago I also was told that there would be a Charismatic then a Pentecostal move as the end times approached. That a revival would come from the Land Down Under and sweep across the world…..I had my doubts but I see it now. I would like to share with you some music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDJAuTCe_uY <3 I would also ask for your prayers, as a child of the most high I am on the receiving end of so much hatred…..
Brian Francis Hume says
Tammy, thank you so much for taking the time to share a bit of your story along with the music. I have great faith for what is transpiring in this hour in Down Under as the Lord prepares His hidden ones. In spite of the hardship, these are exciting days as we prepare for coming move of God. Blessings!
Trina says
Kia ora Brian I am Trina from AOTEAROA New Zealand, I believe your prophecy is coming to past because I believe I am one of those hidden ones and have connected with other brothers and sisters in a divine way through the Holy Spirit. Our God is definitely doing a new thing and what you have written has been confirmation for our small fellowship but it is exciting what he is doing blessings to you our brother in Christ from the utter ends of the earth AOTEAROA New Zealand!