Photo courtesy of Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash
But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Jesus Christ
We all look for doors of breakthrough to walk through. Doors of promotion. Doors of opportunities. Doors of ministry.
I sense in my spirit that the Lord is calling many to “SHUT THE DOOR and pray to your Father” (Mt. 6:6). The Lord wants unhindered time with His sons and daughters, right now!—that means all unnecessary distractions removed for an extended season. I see much grace extended by the Lord in the secret place as we humble ourselves before Him. Deep, personal renewal in the Lord.
This is the door to minister unto the Lord in the secret place.
Paul had his Macedonian call in the night (Acts 16:9)—many are about to encounter the Lord in a similar fashion. This is the breakthrough many have been crying out for. It is the breakthrough to know His clarion call for your life in this immediate season.
Behind SHUT DOORS, the Lord is going to issue life-altering clarion calls. For some the call will be geographical in nature. For others it will be to university campuses scattered about. And for some it will be to a nation abroad—or simply a city in the next state over. Others will be called to specific industries to bear His glorious image in media, government, education and entertainment. Regardless of where, it is a call that originates in the heart of the Father.
Read the words of Acts 16:9 and allow the words to penetrate your spirit so faith arises in your heart to seize your calling from the Lord: “A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’”
“Come…and help us” is the clarion call you must hear from the Lord in the secret place.
We must come into the full reality of Matthew 6:6 in this immediate season: “But when you pray, go into your room and SHUT THE DOOR and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” It is the call to seek Him in the secret place.
Our call to Him must precede our call to them. Why? Our ministry to Him in private always precede our ministry to them in public.
Shut doors precede effectual doors. As you SHUT THE DOOR, you will be able to declare that “a WIDE DOOR for effective work [will open] to me” (I Corinthians 16:9).
When we hear our Macedonian call in the secret place, we’ll recognize those “wide doors” that we must go through that lead us to effective kingdom work.
We thereby must shut the door. Pray. Seek His face. And cultivate our secret history in the Lord. From the secret place, the Lord will entrust us with His Macedonian call to “come over to…help us.” Then we possess the depth of Christlikeness necessary to walk through effective doors of breakthrough so that the “news about Him [will] spread throughout all” nations (Matthew 4:24).
Brian, thank you for this timely word. Could it really be as easy as Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”? Spending more time seeking the Giver than the gifts. Yes – I do believe so. I love how you put it, “Our ministry to Him in private always precedes our ministry to them in public.” We need to Shut The Door, seek His face before all else. Those that have been tested can be trusted. Keep on keeping on my friend.
Holly, thank you so much for taking the time to read the article. I love the verse you referenced. Blessings to you and your man!
This is such a good word for this hour. We, too, feel great transitions upon us but the Lord recently spoke to us to, “Pause and ascend the hill of the Lord to meet face to face with Him.” First things first! It reminds me to “Wait for Samuel” (unlike Saul who did not).
Thank you for this confirming word of wisdom and encouragement my friend!
Much love to you Kathi. I’m intrigued to see where the Lord leads you (and your family) in the days ahead as you transition to the next season of life.
Thank you Brian. I have felt the Lord calling me to this. I have become too busy and am working through the last of some commitments so I can purposefully spend more time alone with the Lord and delve deeper into worship & prayer for this next season.
Kim, thank you for taking a moment to read this blog post. Such short reads can provide the necessary catalyst to bring about the needed changes in our lives. Grace, grace be upon you in this season as you seek Him behind closed days; and, as you learn to delight in His pleasure over you as you navigate the busyness of life. Blessings!
Wonderful Brian! Thank you so much for posting ! Blessings on you , Aneta and the girls !
Kim and John
Thank you Kim. We are healthy and strong in the Lord. Much love to you both!